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Université de Bordeaux
LabEx BRAINBordeaux Region Aquitaine Initiative for Neurosciences
Cluster of excellence

IdEx Visiting Scholars

IdEx Visiting Scholars

The University of Bordeaux is opening Visiting scholars positions. The aim of this program is to enable high-level, internationally-reputed scholars to visit the University of Bordeaux or one of the partnering institutions of IdEx Bordeaux and develop an academic collaborative project in research, education, or at institutional level.

The 2015-2 call is now open. Deadline for applications is Sunday May 24th.

This program is open to all fields, but particular attention will be devoted to candidates promoting projects:

  • that strengthen the internationalisation of the schools’ curricula;
  • that fall within the scientific priorities of IdEx Bordeaux, or are at the junction between them;
  • that are pedagogically innovative;
  • that strengthen collaboration with dedicated partnering universities;
  • that involve novel collaborative projects.

Projects must explicitly address the impact of the visit in terms of the site’s education, research and international cooperation interests. IdEx Bordeaux will only support proposals with clear scientific, academic or societal outcomes (response to high-level international calls for funding, establishment of inter-institutional partnerships and joint Master’s or PhD programs, technology or knowledge transfer, etc.).

all details:

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